Businesses put their Eco hats back on.
Prior to the discovery of the novel Covid-19 coronavirus and the whole new way of life it forced upon us, most businesses had started to make some degree of progress in making themselves a more environmentally conscious place to work. However, since then most businesses have been completely preoccupied with adapting to remote working, lowering overheads, watching PM’s depressing and baffling press briefings and of course, protecting and preserving cash flow.
The virus has been devastating for many things and the environment is one of them. Whilst the air we breath may have initially been cleaner as result of lockdowns, a more polluted and wasteful world has been festering away while we were watching Netflix and buying toilet paper. Data published on June 11th showed that whilst carbon emissions were lower, it was only by about 5% when compared with the same point last year. And that’s before we have even started to emerge from lock down. The signs are that things are going to get worse, not better. So it’s time for businesses to get their eco hats back on!
Over the last 12 months we have not followed the herd by switching focus solely to offering face masks, gloves and hand sanitiser. We have remained true to our eco friendly product range because we are confident that once restrictions are lifted and the big recovery starts, that businesses will once again switch their attention back to becoming more eco friendly and environmentally conscious.The environmental crisis we are heading for hasn’t gone away, the can has simply been kicked a little further down the road. As the vaccine program begins to show some sign of having a positive effect, we can already see some news returning to the environmental crisis and how it could be much worse than what we’ve seen in 2020. Former Bank of England Head Mark Carney spoke earlier this month about how “Climate crisis deaths will be worse than Covid” and Bill Gates spoke a few days ago, stating that tackling climate change would be “the most amazing thing that humanity had ever done”.
So where does merchandise fit in?
All this news coverage is already starting to bring environmental concerns back into the consciousness of businesses and choosing the right merchandise is a big consideration. A brilliant way of helping your company get back on track with making a positive impact on the environment is to produce items branded with your logo, that help people rid themselves of single use plastics. Reusable coffee cups, sports bottles, drinking straws, Beeswax sandwich wraps and cutlery are a brilliant place to start. We also offer a number of pass-on-plastic packs that have selection of our most useful brand-able products. These items are super effective at helping staff and customers to do their bit and they are great at promoting your brand in the process. Want to take it a step further? We also offer reusable items that are made from recycled waste such as our Circular&Co Cup and our Evo Tote Bag. Old waste that prevents new waste.
If you’re interested in hearing about our range of Eco-friendly and recycled merchandise, get in touch with our team at sales@brandelity.com. Here’s to helping kick-start your recovery the responsible way!
Written by Chris Love, Feb 2020.
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Chris Love
Founder and Managing Director of Brandelity, a UK based eco centric promotional product supplier. Loves creating content that beats the drum about sustainable and environmentally focused promotional merchandise. Uses 20 years industry experience to offer tips and advice on how to get the maximum engagement from branded promotional products.