Branded T-Shirts – a MUST for your next event!
Branded t-shirts and bags are a superb choice of merchandise when used in conjunction with a new event – they are also fun to work with as the choice of colours and styles for both, are endless! So we were particularly pleased when our favourite Japanese Street Food restaurant ‘ Yo Sushi’ asked us to produce both these items for the launch of “Mini Ninjas’, their new sushi school class aimed at 5-12 year olds. The classes are aimed at teaching kids ‘Mini Ninjas’ how to make, and of course, eat Sushi!
The branded t-shirts were used by the ‘Yo Sushi’ staff and the branded bags were included in the packs that each ‘Mini Ninja’ receives.
Did you know…
When it comes to picking a product to promote your brand or event, Branded Bags are hard to beat. They offer unparalleled perceived value versus cost and they can last a very long time. In fact, a recent study* showed that 9 out of 10 people recalled the company from which they received a free bag.
*Impressions Study of ASI
Another study* showed that the average time a person keeps a branded bag is 4.2 years (for comparative purposes the same study showed that writing instruments are kept for an average of 9 months)
* The French Associating 2FPCO
Interested in getting some t-shirts, hoodies or bags branded for your next big event or show? Just hit the button below to get in contact!
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Narelle McGregor
Marketing Manager at Brandelity. Passionate lead generator, content creator and digital marketer with more than 12 years experience. Works hard daily to promote sustainable branded merchandise and highlight the impact of eco-friendly promotional products.