
The team at Brandelity have noticed an upwards trend for businesses enquiring for branded merchandise of a sustainable nature. The increasing popularity of sustainable items is a sentiment mimicked by the wider business environment. 

Consumers are becoming increasingly proactive in their pursuit to shop sustainably by choosing brands centred around protecting the environment whilst reducing their involvement with brands they deem to be unethical.  There is also a current drive to cut down on consumer purchasing in order to reduce potential waste, and negative consequences to the environment . This has led to a surge in the need for durable, repairable products from businesses. The team at Brandelity have looked into this in detail and you can read about it in the blog ‘our top branded alternatives to plastic pollutants’. 

An independent study, led by SmartestEnergy, found consumers are increasingly favouring brands with a commitment to environmental sustainability, with 80% of buyers choosing brands with positive, sustainable approaches.  Another study corroborated these findings and stated 56% of consumers regard a business’s social values as their primary driver for purchasing decisions.

Despite the want for consumers to shop with sustainable, ethical businesses, research has shown 45% of buyers are unaware of a company’s sustainable practices and therefore struggle to decipher ethical companies apart from those who greenwash. Greenwashing is the process of a company giving a misleading impression of their environmental credentials to deceive consumers into believing their products have a greater positive environmental impact than they do in actuality. 

Here at Brandelity, we endeavour to help promote your brand in a way that showcases your company’s sustainable values. McLean, 2019, stated ‘consumers are looking for brands to show them, not just tell them what they’re doing’. An extremely effective way to show your consumers how you’re improving your sustainable practices is through utilising sustainably branded merchandise. 

Why does branded merchandise help your sustainable image? 

Branded merchandise is an extremely advantageous tool in your marketing mix as it is received 2.5 times more favourably by consumers than digital marketing techniques. By utilising branded merchandise, you can start to eradicate the narrative of greenwashing from your sustainability practices as consumers will be able to hold and see your commitment to sustainability for themselves.

Branded merchandise has a recall rate of 85%, with an average keep rate of over a year. The longevity of this marketing tool makes it an essential piece of your campaign when highlighting your ethical practices to consumers. 

An example of sustainable branded merchandise for you

To boost your image as a sustainable brand, we recommend looking at the Circular Kai Unisex Environmentally Friendly Lightweight Jacket  for your team as these jackets have a circular life, meaning once you are finished with them, they will be fully recycled into a new product.  The jacket is made with 100% mono materials and the sustainability of this item doesn’t take away from it’s functionality. The Kai is 5000mm waterproof as well as 5000g/m breathable and it has a detachable branded patch so you can update the jackets in response to any brand updates or events you attend. 

As well as supplying sustainable clothing to your staff, we recommend gifting sustainable merchandise to your current and/or potential consumers. By giving them the Mini Eco Plant Cube, you will be putting your brand at the centre of their desk, in an interactive way. The customisable, biodegradable plant pot comes with its own soil pad and seeds, giving the consumer the opportunity to grow their own desk plant at work. This is a great way to show your customers you are serious about your sustainable practices whilst also increasing your brand exposure. 

Grow your Brand Awareness

Contact us for advice on how to increase your sustainable image by emailing or calling 01753 491470.